Sunday, July 30, 2006

June 11, 2006

Ok. So I realized that it is getting expensive to eat out every meal. So I figured out that I should go and buy some food and cook in our community kitchen. It is nice because I get to meet a lot of the people on my floor (about all of them speak decent english). The problem is that I bought food but have nothing to cook with or eat from. The picture above is a direct result of this problem. I have made up my mind that I am going out today to buy pots, pans, and plates etc.

Cooking in the kitchen is nice because there are usually a couple of German students to talk to, however, as I said almost all of them speak english quite well and they prefer to speak it with me since it is good practice for them. This is fine for now because my German is not at a conversation level but I think when I move to a new dorm in July, I am going to start telling people that I speak Japanese so that I can practice German, instead of always speaking English.


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