Sunday, July 30, 2006

June 12, 2006

Stephansdom or St. Stephans Cathedral is in the absolute heart of Vienna. I decided to go there a couple of days ago. Although I have studied more European churches than I can remember in my Architecture classes. I was truly in awe as I entered the Cathedral. I am begining to realize that you can hardly understand any building on a piece of paper, especially the lofty Cathedrals of Europe. It was truly incredible to be in such a grand space. Furthermore, there is an elevator that you can take to the roof of the Cathedral and that too was a great experience, being able to look down on the city from the top of its Cathedral.

After a while, I sat down in the pews and thought about all the huge Churches in Vienna. I have read in my guide to Vienna and a couple other places and have also gathered from conversations that I have had that the population of Vienna is rather irreligious, despite having such incredible churches. In fact, I have never seen such incredible church buildings as the ones I have seen here. However I have seen many strong and active congreations in America that meet in buildings made of steel or wood or brick or drywall; buildings that don't really compare at all in terms of grandeur to the ones I have seen in Europe. I think it would be great if churches were more awe inspiring and I think it is great when they are but I am also realizing that that is of little importance when compared to the real meaning of the Church. I guess it just makes me realize that the chuch is not a building at all, but rather it is a group of people seeking to know, worship, and follow Christ.

While I am on the topic of chuches I should probably tell you about the one I am attending here. It is called Vienna Community Church. It is in English and is composed of people from all over the world. It was really great to go to and the pastor is a really cool older gentleman from Seattle. He is one of those people that lets you know that he is really interested what is going on with you and is happy to know you. The congregation is extremely welcoming and I look forward to being a part of this church for the summer. Also after church there is free lunch in the courtyard and they served wine as well. I guess that is a european thing, good food and wine after church. Oh yeah, the sermon at chuch as about when God enabled the apostles to speak in different languages so that they could minister to the world. I thought that was kind of cool since that was my first church service in Europe and I am try desperatly to learn German. Any way that is about it.


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