Sunday, July 30, 2006

June 16, 2006

I feel like a little kid again and it is wonderful.

Learning a foreign language makes you feel like a little kid, actually so does being in a foreign country, especially one where you cant speak the language. At first you hardly know what anyone is saying, actually, I still dont know what anyone is saying. In America, I can be self conscious, thinking to my self, "is what I am about to say weird?" But here, like I said, I feel like a kid and I am very proud of my self even when I say something as stupid as, "My name is Steven and I have ten fingers." I am proud of saying things like this even when it is the wrong answer to the question asked. Furthermore everything is new and the only way to learn is by trial and error. When I first got on the U-Bahn I remember tenatively placing my foot on the tram as if testing to see if it was stable ground. After I realized it was I put my whole weight on it was truly proud of myself for boarding a tram like the rest of the big people around me. In addition to all this, I have the whole day after classes and homework to walk around the city and explore, like a little kid at Chucky Cheese's. Speaking of little kids, I think I am going to punch in the face the next toddler that speaks better German than me (which is about every single one). So if you see anything on the news about an American student being arrested in Vienna, please send money for bail. Thats all...Good Bye.


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