Sunday, July 30, 2006

If anybody reading these entries knows me, then you also know that one of my biggest flaws is that I try to pack too much stuff into too little time. In the end I always look like an idiot or some wonderful person in my life has pity on me…or on rare occaissions it all works out.

Tuesday night I went out for a beer with a couple friends from NC since it was the last time I would see them. We had a lot of fun this month and I hope I see some of them again. Anyway, when we were in the Bar, they asked what I was going to do next week since there were no classes… What…No classes next week?

I don’t know how I consistently miss important information but that is what I am good at, along with overbooking myself. So I said I will be in Italy for the next week and a half, sounded like a good idea at the time. Ordinarily this wouldn’t have been a problem but I had a little over 12 hours to change my flights, check on trains, book hostels, pack, sleep, go to class, and as I would find out in the morning: move out of my dorm and carry everything I have across the city to store at the school (my extension of plans meant that I would not be there to move out on the last day of June). Furthermore, President Bush was in Vienna that day so much of the public transportation system was shut down. Anyway, somehow all of this worked more perfectly that I could have ever imagined and thus, I made my flight to see the coolest person I know and one of the best weeks of my life began.


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