Friday, October 27, 2006

I think that God creates situations in our lives and allows things to happen the way that they do to teach us things. Sometimes they are small and easy things, but I feel like often God speaks through hardship (or maybe we just listen better through hardship). Anyway, a while back I wrote about how it was super easy to make friends here but Christian fellowship was proving quite hard to find. Well time went on, and I began to get frustrated and angry. I was having doubts and questions and I was craving the fellowship of other Christians. I wanted someone to answer my questions and give me some support. I couldn’t find any answers, and so as I looked around finding nothing else left to lean on, I clung to the one thing still there, God. It was then that I realized why God allowed me to be in the situation I was in. He wanted me to see that He is enough. He is always enough and always with me. He is always there no matter where I go, no matter the country, surroundings, people, or culture, and he is strong and gracious and faithful in a way that no person ever can be because he is God.

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus, our Lord”

I know that this is a simple truth. It is one that I have learned in the past. But there are moments in life, when the truths you know come alive, take shape, and take hold of you and you understand them on a deeper level than ever before.

Since then, God has led me to an awesome Church within walking distance of my apartment. It is English speaking and has a wonderful young adult ministry. It is almost ridiculous to think that I did not find it earlier, but as I said, I don’t think I was supposed to.


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