Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Every morning for two years my sister and I drove to school together in my silver Altima with an oversized spoiler. Sometimes we would talk, sometimes we would fight, most of the time we would listen to music, and sometimes I would throw her cds out the window. However I had gotten used to that time we spent together. I didn’t realize in the way that I do now how great that time was. I guess what I am trying to say is sometimes it takes the absence of something to realize just how incredible it is.

When I came to Europe, I knew that the absence of my wonderful girlfriend, family, and friends—and car—would be felt. However one of the things that I didn’t realize I would miss is having the day to day support from other Christians. This fellowship has proved much harder to find in Europe. Partly because I am moving around so much and also because the church and its ministries seem to be stronger in America. Nevertheless, I just realized the other day how much I take the wonderful fellowship that I have for granted. It really is a gift and I wish I could always view it as such.


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