Sunday, July 30, 2006

I was fortunate to be able to spend the weekend in Cinque Terra on the Italian Riviera with Abbey and her parents. It was definitely an unforgetable weekend. I will do what I have said I am going to do for talking about weekend trips, I will give you what will from now on be refered to as the TOP 3.

3. Somehow I used to think I would be a wimp if I never got stung by a jellyfish. I don't know, I guess I always heard about little kids being stung and I always kind of wondered if I could take it. Unfortunately, I will have to go on wondering; however I was attacked by what I will call the invisa-fish.
Ab and I decided to take a break from our hike between the cinque terra towns and take a swim. We had been in the water for about 3 minutes when my foot erupted with pain and I said "something got me." I guess I shouldn't have used these words because Abbey started to panic and fell off the innertube she was on. It was really quite comical. As we were making our way toward the saftey of the rocky beach, the invisa-fish went for my shoulder....frickin invisa-fish. I don't know what it was, but it stung and it made my skin swell up but by the end of the day it was just a red mark. If you know what stung me, shoot me an email. I will investigate and then propose a plan of revenge which you can be a part of.

2. I have heard from several people since I have been here that it is worth it to hike between the cinqueterra towns. They were right. Ray, Joyce, Ab, and I decided to do this on Saturday. Ray and joyce took the ferries and Ab and I walked. It was truly incredible. The towns had a beautiful aesthetic of accumulation. The buildings were all sorts of colors and built into the steep hillsides and seemed to reflect to terraced style of the olive tree orchards and other surrounding gardens.

1. Probably my favorite thing I did over the weekend was swimming in the Ocean with Pooh and Abbey. For all who don't know, Pooh is the innertube that we bought in Capri that is printed with a large picture of Winnie the Pooh. At the last town in Cinque Terra, Ab and I had to wait for the train and decided to do so in the ocean as the sun was setting. It was a cool ending to a hot day and it was especially nice because the invisa-fish was not there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love you Steve! You are my best friend!

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how to find reverse gear on a Peugeot Diesel Wagon. In Italian it's sometimes called (only in Florence) "El Reverso".

2:30 PM  

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