Sunday, July 30, 2006

After Capri, we went to Florence. Aside from the architechture, Florence was kind of like being at a Nascar race, vey hot, very loud, strange smells, and a lot of Americans. However, I really liked being able to see where the Turtlemonkey eats and sleeps. I also really enjoyed being able to visit a lot of the renaissance buildings that I have studied in class. Florence reinforced my belief that the Italians are especially nice and welcoming people.

There is a man in Florence that you need to find if you are there. To find him do this. Walk around the city at about 10 in the morning. Go from piazza to piazza on the south side of the river until you hear Lynyrd Skynyrd blasting from a boom box. Follow this noise. If there is a man wearing cut off army jeans with an unbuttoned flannel shirt and drinking beer, then you have found this expatriate….I don’t know what you should do once you find him.


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