Sunday, July 30, 2006

I am not usually one who likes to get up early, then again, who really is. However sometimes it is worth it. Last Sunday morning it was worth it. Ab and I woke up at 4:50 and started a journey up the sea-mountain, also known as Capri. We made it to the highest point of the island just in time to catch the sun rise above the ocean and distant islands. From that point, the rock walls of the island dropped almost straight into the blue sea where we could see hundreds of seagulls circling the cove a couple hundred feet below us. I am finding out that words really don’t do the island of Capri justice. Everything about Capri was incredible. I think the pictures will probably be more effective in giving you a sense for Capri. I will hit the highlights though. Beaches, swimming in the Cave, daytrip to Amalfi, and dinners with Ab. By the way, I just got a premium membership at so now I can basically store all the photos that I want online. So check those out through the photostream link on my main page.


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