Sunday, July 30, 2006

Some people were asking about how deutsch lernen is going...

I had seen the movie "the Terminal" with Tom Hanks. He lived in an Airport terminal in America and read 'cosmo' to learn English. It only took him a month to become fluent. I figured I might pick up German even quicker since I was in Vienna and armed with a Deutsch-Engslish Dictionary.....What an idiot I was to compare myself to Tom Hanks. Of course, I will always fall short when I compare myself to Forest Gump. Nevertheless, Deutsch lernen is great, but a bit slower than I expected. Overall I have been amazed at how much I have learned in the past 1.5 months. I can get around the city, ask for things, meet people, and more, but I am having trouble understanding how I will be able to take 4th year college level courses at the end of September.


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