Sunday, July 30, 2006

After walking around Florence for 3 days Abbey and I decided to get some relief from the heat and go to Lake Como, since I was flying out of Milan. Lake Como is in the “pre”Alps and has a lot of small Italian towns on its shores. One day abbey and I bought the all day ferry pass and tried to go to as many of the towns as week could, however we only got about three in because we had to come back for a hike by 4. Hiking is great here and we tried to take advantage of it each day. Also the hostel that we stayed in was incredible. We are basically right on the water with an incredible view of the lake and preAlps in the forground, and the Alps in the distance. They have a wonderful porch and Patio seating that faces the lake. Each night abbey and I got our cheap meal from the market, which consists of salami, cheese, bread, pesto, olives and a bottle of wine. Then we sit at a table on the upper terrace and eat, talk, and watch the lights on the other side of the lake. I will have the pictures up soon.

On the night that Italy played one of their world cup games Ab and I were eating our meal outside on the Patio. We could not watch the game from our hostel but from the patio we could tell what was happening since every once in a while we could hear each of the towns near us and across the lake erupt in a celebration of fog horns, car horns, and shout. It was a fun way to watch the game.


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