Sunday, July 30, 2006

I met an interesting guy from Vienna on the train to florence. For anyone who has not met him, you might remember him as the guy in your political science class that carried on a dialogue with the professor while the rest of us were mindlessly and frantically trying to take notes. We talked for a while, but one of the things that I remember most about our discussion was discussing the different European and American attitudes toward business that we have both noticed while traveling abroad, respectively. (note: these are overgeneralizations). When a person in America starts a business, often, they have a vision that it will grow and flourish and might one day be a million or billion dollar company. In Europe, of course there are exceptions, but it seems like most business start with the idea that they will sustain themselves and their family; that the business will most likely have one location and that is the way it goes. Anyway, I think it is awsome to see the determination and vision of American business owners, however it is also really cool to see people who are content with their small business the way it is. I don't really know what I think, I just think it is interesting to see the way different people do similar things.

Sorry for the boring journal entry, I just felt like writing about it.


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