Sunday, July 30, 2006

Well now, I have told you all that I moved into a new place but I haven't really told you what it is like. It is like America: a mix of people who come from all over the world and the common language is english. Above is a picture of my friends for the month. I know that sounds shallow to say but that is the way it is, Last month my friends came from North Carolina, now they come from my dorm, and next month there will be a different group of people from the dorm. Nevertheless, they are lots of fun and we are enjoying this month. The crew for this month comes from all over: US, mexico, macedonia, poland, spain, and more. It seems like there is always something going on, whether it is group cooking, going to the river beach, or sitting around in our courtyard.

I have also made friends with a few of the natives, Austrians, not Indians. We played Texas Hold'em on thursday (and have decided to play every thursday until september). It was absolutely incredible to do something slightly competative. And more than that, I won. I have never won a game of poker in my life so this was really it was nice to have 25 extra euros.


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