Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So I called my friend on a Wednesday and asked him if he wanted to travel over the weekend. He said it sounded great but he couldn’t because he had to work. Then I said, take off work and bring your travel stuff to Bible study Tomorrow and we’ll leave from there and then I hung up because it costs 25 cents per minute to talk to german cellphones. I was sure that he wouldn’t go and had even forgot what I told him so when I saw him the next evening with his travel stuff I was surprised to say the least but nevertheless was obligated to join in. So at 11 oclock direct after bible study we stopped by my apartment on our way to the main train station. Here’s the Top 3

3. We show up at the train station an decide that the 1:30 am train to Amsterdam is a pretty good idea. We wait for 2 hours….Ok so the train is 1 hour late, lets invent a game…..Okay it is going to be 2 hours late…We’ll just play 1 on 1 poker….. Ok what is going on? 2 and a half hours late… we’ll just stare at the wall………….Finally, It’s here….. What???? Its full??? but the desk said….. At this point we looked at the train schedule and saw that there was a train for France leaving at 4:30 am. Of course we decided to try and board. We were successful and ended up waking up in Paris at 9 am.

2. Sacre Coeur was a beautiful church that overlooks the city of Paris from the high hill on which it is located. It is worth seeing anyway but if you show up at around 5 oclock they have a beautiful service that takes place about everyday. I think I might have written previously about being in churches and cathedrals and feeling a certain sadness that they were merely tourist and architectural sites and no longer places of worship except for locals during Christmas and Easter. However when I was at Sacre Coeur during the daily service, there was a amazing sense of awe and mystery as the caroling voices made their way through the aisles. It was truly beautiful.

1. I know that the Eiffel Tower is cliché and overly iconic but I really thought it was awesome. Maybe it was because it was fun to photograph, maybe it was because of the atmosphere created by all the people who flock to it daily, maybe it was just the idea that I was seeing something in real life that I have seen over and over again in books and movies. Whatever it was I truly enjoyed it. I would be lying if I tried to be cool and say it was over-rated. It was really worth seeing.


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