Wednesday, January 10, 2007

As I checked my baggage in Stuttgart the x-ray camera-surveyor-man started laughing at all the delicate glass and german craftsmanship items in my suitcase. What a Dumkopf. But Dumkopf had a point, it was going to be a miracle if I made it across the atlantic with all that stuff. It was almost a miracle since everything (minus one glass) made it home. I too after 36 hours, 5 flights, and lost baggage made it home to a wonderful greeting party. This was the start of my winter break “in den Vereinigte Staaten”(US) Normally I do the Top 3, but this break was good enough to get an extra two top ratings, so here’s the top 5.

5. My KU roommate and friend stopped by on their way to Branson. We had great conversations in the hot tub and acted like little kids at the city museum. Overall it was awesome to get a feel for what is going on in KU with my friends.

4. On new years Ab and I got to see our friends from highschool at the Trainwreck Saloon. It was awesome to see everyone and how they’ve changed and are still the same. Even though we have went our separate ways since highschool, I always treasure the times we get to meet like new years and the annual float trip.

3. Yes, by the time of the Wards Christmas Party my mustache had reached its full potential. Once I was there, it was just awesome to see Ab’s parents brothers, sisters, and their kids. It was really cool to see how much Blake and Alex had grown since I was at their baseball games with Kelly and Abbey almost 8 months ago. Kayla was still in need of little people hugs and Steve was the Champion at Pop-a-shot (loser, who takes pride in that?), It was awesome to see Heidi and Andy on a regular basis at the Wards and Lilly and Hannah always have some new sport or performance going on but are especially talented in Karaoke. I also met a new person this time at the family Christmas party, a little man called Tate. He smiles a lot but I am not really quite sure why. Maybe he’ll tell us when he can talk. Tim and Robyn, the Hosts have a wonderful new house and throughout the break were fun to hang out with. From Christmas Eve to welcoming me at the airport to seeing me off on the last day, it was great to spend time with Ray and Joyce.

2. Of course its is awesome to see my whole family on Christmas, but it had been an especially long time since I had seen my brother and sister. My brother gave me an incredible video that he made. In one way it shows to me how much he has learned at Brehm but in another way it shows me one of many reasons he is returning to Westminster next year. That makes me extremely proud for more reasons than I could write here, but I am probably embarrassing him, so I’ll stop now. I received a KU T-shirt from my sister for Christmas and being the prideful loser that I am, I pretended like I would never wear it because I am a Mizzou fan. Well, I must say that it is complicated. Actually, I must say it again, It’s complicated, but as I sit here wearing her KU shirt and writing these entries, I think of her first semester at KU and how much I enjoyed the sunny spring days when we went to Mass Street to eat together. So for that reason I am proud to wear this shirt. And I guess it is kind of ironic: I am a mizzou fan and partially influenced her to come to Kansas University, then she became a KU fan and partially influenced me to wear KU appareal in addition to my wardrobe of mizzou clothes. I am more that aware that noone reading this respects me. KU fans hate me for being a mizzou fan and Mizzou fans hate me for wearing KU apparel, and the rest hate me for my mixed feelings. Well a word to you all, you don’t know what it’s like, so deal with it.

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