Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Christmas Eve was by far one of the best nights of my life. Abbey and her family came over to our house after the candle light church service. It was a day after I had arrived from being away from the States for 7 months . While our families were in the hearth room, Ab and I spent a beautiful moment by the fire and the Christmas tree on the Eve of the celebration day of our Savior’s birth. We exchanged handmade gifts and then I asked Abbey, my love, my best friend, and my companion in faith to spend the rest of her life with me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Love you so much Steven! Thank you for asking me to marry you! You are my best friend and I am so happy to be your fiance! I look forward to every moment with you --- whether on skype or hugging you in person --- You are my greatest blessing! I love you! Me!

6:11 PM  

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