Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Another overnight train and I was in Pisa and desperate for a shower since I had not been naken in 3 days. Our hotel was about 2 km from the city center of Pisa. and they gave us bikes to use for the day which proved to be quiet useful since the leaning tower and Duomo area was about the only sight to see. Because we had the bikes, we were able to swing by a couple smaller sights that migh tnot have been worth the worlk and then wee took some of the trail in the countryside.

The next day we went to florence or at least tried. I tprove rather difficutl since som epart of the Italian railway compayny was on strik. So we eventually made itthger and did the normal tourist thing. I had a blast but it really mad e me think of Ab. I suppose martin gto tired of me talking about it. "Oh, and that is wher we sat, and that is wher we had dinner one time. and on time in this Piazza...." You get the picture. Nevertheless, Martin didn't complain and probably even pretended to be interested.
We made a daytrip the following day to a small italian hilltown, surrounded by green vineyards and marked by medievaal towers. The main attraction ther was strolling through the streets that frame views of the Tuscan landscape, however we for some strang reason decided to go into a torture museum. While it wasn't boring, it was depressing and painful for your brain. Torture museum, Not recommended; buying cheese, bread, wine and eating it on the park ontop of the city, Recommended.

The description of my time with Martin would not be complete without an accurate description of Martin. Martin asked me what was my favorite country I have visited, I said Italy. I returned the question. He said America. While there are probably many people who think that, no one has told me that yet. But perhaps I should have expected it. Martin wears Cowboy boots with Jeans and a t-shirt. Martin is a business major who believe strongly in free market economics and its implications. When we went into a supermarket, I bought a bought Beck's, my favorite German beer, Martin bought Budweiser. Another first. But of all my favorite things about Martin, this one tops them all. When you speak with a foreign fluent english speaker, the topic of accents always comes up. I said I really like South African Accents. Martin then proceeded me to ask if I knew who Larry the Cable Guy was? Yes, Of course, the Blue Collar Comedy Tour...Well, I like the sound of that accent. Suprise, is an accurate word to describe my bittersweet joy and humor. Martin is one of a kind. But in all seriousness, Martin and I had a great time and I wish we could have traveled together longer.


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