Tuesday, January 23, 2007

As I write this post it is snowing outside for the first time this year, at least where I am.

Anyway, I wish I would have got that snow a couple of days earlier. I was at a birthday party for a french guy, when I realized that I wanted to go skiing. So I asked around until I was able to convince someone that this was a good idea. So at 2 am my venezualen friend and I headed back to my room to make plans. By 3:30 we had found a ski resort and a train however we had to wake up at 4:15 to get on the train. Therefore it didnt really make any sense to go to sleep so I just talked to Ab for a bit while he went home to get his stuff ready. We eventually made it on the train but not without a quarter-mile sprint carrying and 6-foot long Boardbag. When we finally made it, we did the only thing you can think to do when you have a 3 hour train ride and you are exhausted and tired and have a big day ahead of you...have a three long conversation. So we pulled into Öbersdorf sleepless. We found things as they were predicted: near snowless. If I remember correctly, only 1 of 20 lifts were running and it was way up on top of the mountain. So we did what we had to do and headed to the top. Once there, I was totally awestruck at the mountains. They were totally different than mountains that I have been in. They were incredibly steep, treeless and they felt like they were so close together. I don't know if the pictures really show it properly. As for the skiing, I've had better, but the clear sunny day, discounted ticket, and rugged beauty of the Alps made it all worth it. Especially when the other option was sitting at home doing my project. My friend from Venezuela was great to hang out with and get to know better. I just realized that I forgot to do that in the Top 3 way. Oops.


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