Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Well, there were some complications with my reservatoins from Paris to Lisbon so I had to start heading to Lisbon earlier. I made the new inbetween stop in St. Sebastion, Spain. Aside from sitting in on the cathedral service in spanish, eating black ink squid, hiking 2 mountains (well..hilltains), I did a lot of walking around and thinking. Whether it was meandering through the streets and squares of the town center or walking barefoot in the february sunset beach, I had the people I love and new experiences on my mind. Today was a welcomed break from fast paced architecture classes. Normandy was great, but today was really just taking it easy, and Ill probably need it since Im meeting my friends in Portugal tomorrow.

Despite sleeping discomfort, one of the advantages of the train is the time I have to write, read, and whatever. Thats why I am able to make these entries. Plus its just enjoyable to sit down and think about the day.


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