Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I arrived in Granada alone since my frinds rented a car. I roured the city by tfoot an dwa quie tired by the end of the day as it is a very hilly city. In the evening I met up with friends and went out for Tapas. The city was very interesting. There was a great deal of Arabic influence, from the archeitectuer to the ardends, to the food, and even to the music playing in the narrow and colorful streets. The Alhambra Palace almost lived up to all the hype that was given to it, which say a lot. Also the Capillo Real where Ferdinand and Isabella are buried was interesting. But the best thing by far was this

In Granada, it is a tradition that you get free tapas when you order somethg to drink. It was awsome. Awsome. Awsome. Awsome. Awsome. In the words of my brother on the night I got engaged, "awsome........that's awsome" Indeed. Now some places only do it because they have to, so they dont have the best ones, but other places give out really good Tapas. At one of the places they gave a fairly decent portion of fried octopus with our order or wine. It should also be said that the wine was 1.60 Euros. So it was beyond worth it. It was Awsome.


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