Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I finally arrived in Athens. This was a nice change of pace. The hostel made a big difference. It was the kind of place that sets up activities for you and has a bar in the hostel. These two things combine to make it easy to meet to people. I dont mean to sound like a bummer and perhaps it is my fault since I decided to let the last 10 days of my trip pile up as far a writing goes. And maybe I will come back soon and edit this entry but I am tired and I dont want to write any more. Athens was awsome. I went on a day trip to Nafpoli, went bungee jumping, saw the acropolis, went to thesseloniki wandered the city took a day trip to a beach town and joined in the marketplace to pick up a few gifts. Then I flew back to Germany. While revisions are in question, I will write a synopsis of my trip soon enough, as soon as my head stops spinning.


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